Results and goals of the agroindustrial company América Libre de Contramaestre

Results and goals of the agroindustrial company América Libre de Contramaestre

The América Libre de Contramaestre agroindustrial company has a total area of 17,521 hectares of land. Of these, 7,268 hectares are used for various crops, 9,428 hectares for livestock, 523 hectares for fruit trees, 179 hectares for sugarcane, 49 hectares for coffee and 12 hectares for citrus.

This productive economic entity has four Basic Business Units (UEB) and 27 cooperatives. The objective of all of them is to guarantee territorial self-sufficiency. This mission has been accomplished despite the limited resources in recent years.

In 2024, the company performed at more than 90 percent of the fulfillment of the production plan. These results were superior to those of previous stages, due to the fact that lands that were poorly exploited now present a different picture.

Miscellaneous crops were one of the areas with favorable yields last year. In the case of cassava, for example, it was one of the plantations with high harvest and planting volumes in this eastern territory. This strategy has been implemented by the locality in other productions such as plantain and sweet potato.Results and goals of the agroindustrial company América Libre de Contramaestre.

Yailín Madrigal Silvera

About Yailín Madrigal Silvera

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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