Raising a family is a gift that nature gives us. Educating a family and turning children into good men and women requires an enormous effort, boundless dedication and immeasurable love. The fruit of these strong foundations, where values, ideas, beliefs, feelings, customs and respect are communicated, is the family formed by Omar Matamoros Martínez and Catalina Fernández Mora, a formalized marriage with more than 60 years of happy conjugal union and a blood relationship of a daughter, two granddaughters and a great-granddaughter, all living together in the house, located on 2nd Street number 29 of the Nuevo Bijagual neighborhood, in the town of Maffo.
In spite of all the adversities, this family has demonstrated its robustness; it has been able to resist and overcome with work, intelligence and fidelity to the work, with attitudes and feelings demonstrating its own essence. Both Omar and Catalina, transmitted to their descendants common educational precepts, inherited from generation to generation, but as each social economic formation modifies the norms and values of society, the family was not exempt from the changes.
This family relationship, based on strong ties of belonging and love, defends the identity values of its basic nucleus, under the protection of a high level of respect where the patriarchy of Mr. Omar Matamoros reigns. The lack of food, medicines and all the essential resources for life, in addition to the unleashed media war, do not discourage this distinctive family of Maffo, which shows creative and supportive ways of acting, in the presence of very difficult times.
The culinary experience of Catalina Fernandez, transferred to her daughter Katherine, speaks of how much can be done in the kitchen to feed the flock, to help the neighbor, to assist a sick person, with a deep-rooted humanism that reinforces the values of the Cuban family.
Intensivist doctor Luis Font Pantoja, who is part of the family, is proud to be the husband of Omar Matamoros’ eldest granddaughter, a good woman, cultivated in the nation’s Public Health to rehabilitate patients in need of his care.
Following the continuity is Melisa, a young university student with dreams to fulfill, with the desire to contribute and forge new paths in Hygiene and Epidemiology. Lorena, the youngest in the house, ensures her studies in Primary Education.
With a pattern of unity, respect and integration, the Matamoros Fernandez family stands in the town of Maffo, an example of harmony, order and obedience, demonstrating love, values, behavior and basic education, with projection in social life that guarantee the reason for the truth that always triumphs.