Mártires de Goicuría, a center where the education grows

Mártires de Goicuría, a center where the good seed grows

That January of Victory, Cuba gave goodness, employment, justice, bread, health, education…, it was a definitive triumph that made us free in thought, strength and action. And among those kindnesses Fidel gave barracks converted into schools to spread the light of teaching and make the seed of good fruits grow.

The Mártires del Goicuría school was one of those gifts fertilized with the blood of its martyrs, who in 1956 young opponents to the Batista regime were assassinated when they tried to occupy the barracks. Four years later, the former military fortress filled its classrooms with children, books, pencils and desks, to make the homeland stronger, wiser, bigger and happier.

The generations that received instruction in that educational center smiled proudly when they saw the Cuban flag waving, when they saw José Martí satisfied with the beginning of an education that gave man the keys to the world, which are independence and love.

After a continuous and constant pedagogy, men and women expressed happiness in front of their pupils, because they knew beforehand that to know how to read is to know how to walk and to know how to write is to know how to ascend. An example of teaching, reason and progress, was undoubtedly the Goicuría barracks converted into a school 64 years ago today, a work of infinite love, of living letters, so that every man, when studying, would have the right to be educated and later, in payment, the duty to contribute to the education of others.

Moraima Zulueta Gómez

About Moraima Zulueta Gómez

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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