The large volumes of fruits, citrus and vegetables from these eastern lands found their fruitful destiny among aging machinery, human strength and the realization of an idea made company.
Five years ago, in March 2019, the Unidad Empresarial de Base, UEB, Industria, Comercialización y Venta al Turismo, officially constituted and converted into Empresa Mixta Tropical Contramaestre S.A. with a business projection for 20 years, endowed Contramaestre with new opportunities and horizons.

The first Contramaestre Mixed Enterprise took its initial steps with only 6 workers. The labor force would increase in 2020 with the continuous remodeling of the factory’s infrastructure, the importation and installation of new technologies and the installation of 12 production lines for both processing and filling, reaching the current number of 297 workers, 114 of them young people.

With a 24-hour work regime, in three shifts, from Monday to Saturday, Tropical Contramaestre is a company with a high production capacity for tourism and export.