Men of September 5

Men of September 5

At the break of dawn on that September 5, the cry of men was heard in Cienfuegos trying to give a name to the morning sun.

It was the armed popular uprising against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista; it was the insurrection organized by the 26th of July Movement, which added military men from the Navy, from the army in power, who bravely seconded the armed rebellion.

Young patriots and sailors starred in the epic of the city, in front of life; the September men who marched with the fate of repressed longing.

It was the desire of intrepid souls to confront and to walk the road to freedom, to overthrow the dictatorship of the government of the day, with desires of peace and longed freedom.

Boldness and heroism was demonstrated that September 5, 1957 in the city of Cienfuegos, which was free for almost 24 hours, but could not embrace victory.

The resistance was heroic but impossible to transform into triumph in the face of military superiority. Numerous blood marked the bravery of the Pearl of the South, and its people, marked the necessary wound to bequeath us the present work.

Sixty-seven years after that symbolic dawn, the men of September 5th are remembered, from the historic Cienfuegos, which today has become a stronger homeland, born in rebellion, eternalizing that day.

Moraima Zulueta Gómez

About Moraima Zulueta Gómez

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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