Contramaestre striving for food sovereignty

Contramaestre striving for food sovereignty

The agricultural and livestock development, which is led by the municipal agricultural offices, is one of the fronts in which it is decided to comply with the Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutritional Security Law.

One of the officials of the municipal agriculture headquarters stated on this concern:

“We have received first world technology, advanced technologies, to achieve higher productive levels in the municipality with the entry of new varieties of seeds, irrigation systems; we have an animal feed factory, which is one of them fundamental programs that this municipality has, aiming to seek the productive chaining with all the factors.”

Eighteen programs to yield food

The Agriculture Office in the municipality of Contramaestre develops its work in 18 programs that respond to food production, and in one way or another are linked to international collaboration projects that cover the 13 districts of the municipality.

“In some of them with a gender approach to seek the empowerment of women, front in the country works a lot, to achieve that goal. We also work with agrarian extensionism, and we work a lot with our leading producers.”

With a good design contemplated in law, the challenge is to enforce it, put it into practice and turn it into concrete steps that are reflected in the daily food.

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