Heroes of the silence of awareness and hearts

Heroes of the silence of awareness and hearts

Awareness and hearts nestle in men and women who knew how to choose the right path, in a powerful steel shield that at the distance of 65 years, the Revolution’s foes have not been able to destroy its greatness.

Sacred missions, multiplied in time, add up glorious pages of different generations of Cubans, who have devoted their lives to discover and prevent, to confront and save, to block enemy plans or actions in time.

His lineage highlights the decorum and dignity of those combatants that Cuba places on the Motherland’s pedestal, of that indestructible force that emerged as a response to a dirty and covert war of the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. government.

Aggressions accumulated for more than half a century against the Cuban people, endorse the vigilance of those men and women, of yesterday and today, who have made courage and bravery their best choice, who from anonymity have defended the conviction of Homeland or Death.

Sixty-five years have given prestige to the ranks of these Heroes of Silence, of the legendary souls committed to State Security.

Sixty-five years reaffirm the tireless dedication and fidelity of this Organ, bastion of the defensive system of independence, sovereignty and the conquests of our country, making of the challenges and challenges the greatest commitment with systematic and intelligent work.

To those founders who lost their lives in defense of their people, and to those who have continued with an alert and combative spirit in different scenarios, the grateful homage of your Cuba, which revives the confidence in men and women who have cemented the Revolution with the sweat of sacrifice.

Moraima Zulueta Gómez

About Moraima Zulueta Gómez

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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