In Biran was born a transcendental man in history, a mortal who marked milestones to change the destiny of his homeland.
Every August 13 Cuba worships the giant of eternal light, the insurrectionist man, who from his youth knew how to choose the right path, earning the rank of Commander to become the main conductor of the revolutionary work.
Biran returns as every August 13 since 1926 to flash all its lushness and ratify that the land there is prosperous and fertile as the human work of its eternal Fidel.
The leafy cedar trees, longed for since his childhood, continue to be emblems of rebellion of the place where the soldier of ideas, the assailant of the Moncada, the guide of the Granma expedition, the leader of the guerrilla columns of the Sierra Maestra was born.
Fidel Castro Ruz is the pure and reliable birth who stretched out his hands to the poor, raised internationalism without borders, sowed dignity, courage and conscience in the children of the nation.
Fidel is the perfect gentleman of the 20th century who distinguished women, the father or grandfather who always insisted on transmitting manners, the honest, transparent man who always defended the truth, who was never afraid of the most dangerous adversary.
Fidel captivated and still does, because he was the pedagogical exception to explain the challenges to the people. The marvelous realness of his moral and intellectual stature, the unprecedented and mythical of his figure, transcends with greatness in the high summits of decorum.
His virtues, of which he never spoke out of modesty, exalt the humility and sense of justice of a Quixote who broke the bonds of misery, unhealthiness, illiteracy, unemployment, to give us peace, love and progress.
Thanks to Fidel we are continuity, the old and new generations of Cubans; we are the unbending rebelliousness and the force for good, the helping hand of the needy, the forge of the new man. We are study, work, creation. To drink from the example of the Commander in these difficult times, as an eternal tribute to the memory of a Father, is the supreme honor to one of the greatest men in history, to the patriot of deep thought, who, very close to the 98th anniversary of his birth, is and will be the unsurpassable Hero.