For various reasons, among which stand out, recurrent lack of availability of construction materials and the high price at which these are marketed, Contramaestre figures as a territory with short progress in the physical execution of housing approved as a result of the application of the policy of subsidies to natural persons undertaken by the country since 2017, through Decree Law 324 of the Council of State.
In Contramaestre, the total number of subsidies approved by the Local Administration as a result of the referred policy amounts to 1,628, in view of the fact that some 205 have been repealed for various causes such as death, violations of the provisions and self-abandonment.
Of the total number of cases approved, some 620 correspond to basic cells, 379 rehabilitations, 252 major preservations and 377 minor preservations. According to information disclosed by the Vice-Ministry of Construction to the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power on this vital issue, 1,345 subsidies have been completed at the territorial level, only showing greater progress in the minor maintenance of buildings, which amount to 377.
For the current year, in Contramaestre the plan of subsidies approved to be executed includes 20 basic cells, of which only 3 have been completed, which represents a 15 percent compliance rate.
Among the main causes that have been affecting the physical progress of these works are the non-entry of carpentry elements, strips for electrical installation, hydraulic pipes, in addition to the aggregate resource, of which the territory has not received allocations since last year for the actions demanded by this type of program. It also affects the continuous modifications of the PRECONS price increases, which prevent the completion of the works due to the lack of financing for the acquisition of materials.
Even in the presence of these difficulties, the Administration Council conceived a plan of organizational actions that help to favor the progress of the housing projects, among which are included: the creation of a management post for the permanent checking of the construction work, weekly visits to the sites that make up the works, the sponsorship of each beneficiary by members of the local administration and of the housing management, as well as the promotion of the local production of construction materials.