Directors of the Unit of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Contramaestre and Public Health personnel, in visits to institutions of this sector and in an appearance before the local radio, emphasize the need to reinforce preventive actions due to the appearance of non-specific febrile syndromes in two areas that correspond to Songo La Malla in the Carlos Juan Finlay health area and in Santiago de Cuba in the Ernesto Guevara de la Serna health area belonging to Boniato.
An informative note from the General Directorate of Public Health of Santiago de Cuba, published on its website, states that the clinical picture of the patients is characterized by headache, fever, general malaise, loss of appetite and muscle aches.
The same publication adds that laboratory studies are being carried out to determine the cause of this event by sending samples to the reference laboratory of the Pedro Curie Institute of Tropical Medicine, although, due to the evolution and epidemiological pattern, it corresponds to a disease of viral etiology.
In relation to the occurrence of this event, so far the evolution of the patients is good with resolution of the clinical picture between the fourth and fifth day of the disease without having presented any serious case.
In Contramaestre, as reported by the Doctor in Epidemiology Pedro Méndez, director of the Hygiene Unit of the municipality, there is a latent call for the work groups in the three health areas of the territory to intensify preventive actions, which also entail the active search for cases for their respective decision making.
During the press conference before the local radio station, the population was urged to increase hygienic and sanitary measures such as frequent hand washing, proper cooking of food, cleaning of patios and roofs to eliminate mosquito breeding sites and, above all, to go immediately to the doctor in case of any symptomatology due to the high temperatures, the proximity of summer and the occurrence of rains, factors that generate the circulation of pathogenic agents that cause diseases.