The José Martí statue at Plaza de la Revolución

The José Martí statue at Plaza de la Revolución

To pay tribute to José Martí in our daily routine, or through special ceremonies or activities around January 28, his birthday, or May 19, hi fall in combat, is an enduring duty of those who know of José Martí’s life and work.

However, there is another decisive element contributing to keeping the Apostle alive, and forever young: statues and monuments, such as the José Martí statue, standing tall in Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución.

Millions of Cubans have shared the impressive sight of the statue while parades or concentrations for special national celebrations and events to pay homage to their heritage and history. The astounding statue captures José Martí in a contemplative pose, reflecting his deep thoughts and dedication to Cuba’s freedom.

The José Martí statue, towering at a height of 138 feet, stands as a powerful symbol of Cuban national identity. It stands s a magnificent sculpture paying homage the most influential figure in Cuban history, José Martí. The statue stands tall and proud, representing not only the indomitable spirit of the Cuban people but also serving as a symbol of national pride. The statue is an iconic landmark that has captivated tourists and locals alike for decades.

The credit for creating this extraordinary sculpture goes to American sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington, known for her remarkable talent, and its construction was completed in 1958, just before the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

Resting on a solid marble base, the José Martí statue adds an element of elegance and permanence to its surroundings, attracting visitors, who climb to the top of the statue to take breathtaking panoramic views of the beautiful city of Havana.

The José Martí statue is considered a national monument in Cuba and is protected as a symbol of the country’s rich cultural heritage, recognized in 1982 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, due to its global significance.

These astounding facts about the José Martí statue depict its importance as a cultural and historical icon in Cuba. Whether it is the symbolism it represents, the craftsmanship behind its creation, or the views it offers, the statue continues to captivate the hearts and minds of visitors from around the world and locals.

The José Martí statue of Plaza de la Revolución is not just an ordinary landmark, but  a symbol of pride, resilience, and the enduring legacy of a revolutionary leader. It will always contribute to immortalizing the Cuba’s National Hero and the Apostle of the independence of the island.

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