Agrarian Reform Law, 65 years now

Agrarian Reform Law, 65 years now

On May 17, 1959, in La Plata Commandery, in the Sierra Maestra, Fidel Castro signed the first Agrarian Reform Law. This measure responded to one of the aspects of the Moncada program, to give the land to the peasants. Its true owners.

More than one hundred families received land, a benefit that was not the only one. With the enactment of the Agrarian Reform Law, a secure market for their productions, fair prices, technical assistance and low-interest loans were assured.

This legislation dignified the lives of rural men and women and gave them the same free rights as the rest of society.

The Literacy Campaign in 1961 was an example of the Revolution’s interest in the peasantry and their welfare.

Free health care with access to this service in the various rural communities is another of the experiences of the Cuban government and its interest in the welfare of the population residing here and that currently with the transformations carried out by the nation is taken into account by the Program of Attention to Rurality.

May 17 is the Day of the Peasant, a date that also commemorates the leader of the sector Niceto Pérez García and the founding of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP).

Yailín Madrigal Silvera

About Yailín Madrigal Silvera

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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