Combatants of the Cuban Revolution in Contramaestre assessed their 2023 work

The Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revelution in Contramaestre held their 2023 balance assembly

With a well-deserved tribute to Commander Juan Almeida Bosque on the 97th anniversary of his birth, began this February 17, the balance assembly of the leadership of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution in Contramaestre to evaluate the work developed during 2023.

Present at this meeting were the member of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, and its first secretary in the municipality of Contramaestre, Yoelbis Suárez Zapata; the Colonel of the reserve and president of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution, in the province of Santiago de Cuba, Andrés Paz Ricardo; and Jorge Luis Valdés Tormo, president of the Association of Combatants in Contramaestre.

The report presented includes the main achievements and shortcomings of the work carried out by the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution in the territory.

One of the difficulties to be solved is the popular recreational shooting, since it was not up to the planned level, so the Association intends to continue working for better results in the next stage:
However, the grassroots Association of the Popular Council of Baire has sustained a meritorious work during 2023 on all fronts:

On the other hand the leadership of the ACRC works carefully so that it reaches each combatant, according to what is legislated, the increase of the checkbook.

Related photo report

The ACRC in Contramaestre held their 2023 balance assembly

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