Contramaestre’s University Graduates New Professionals

Contramaestre's University Graduates New Professionals

A graduation ceremony was held in Contramaestre for 159 students, graduates of the Municipal University Center for the 2022-2023 academic year. The motivations were aimed at remembering the 76th anniversary of the foundation of the Universidad de Oriente and the 65th anniversary of the inauguration of the Cuban Revolution.

The graduation ceremony took place in the presence of the party and the municipal government, the vice rector of the University of Oriente, the director of the Municipal University Center and other professors, students with their families and other guests, which was enlivened at various times by local fans Sheyla Medina Arzuaga and Eismel Fonseca García.

During the ceremony, the ten students who graduated with a gold degree were recognized. Lianet Rivero Álvarez and Miguel Ángel Oconor Alcolea obtained five grade point averages. Melissa Salina Rodríguez, a graduate of the Sociocultural Management for Development program, was also recognized as the most outstanding and most comprehensive student of the university center. On behalf of all the students, she expressed her gratitude for the knowledge acquired during the training stage and for the possibility that they will have as professionals to apply the knowledge acquired in favor of the socioeconomic development of the territory.

Contramaestre focusing on the future

“Each course represented here is extremely valuable and each of the professionals present today will have much to contribute to society. There is no doubt that the Contramaestre University Center has trained us to be competent and excellent citizens in the paths we will take from now on. I wish you all the best of luck in the stages that are beginning. I wish to thank the revolution, our parents and all the teachers. Also to all those who made this graduation possible”.

The closing speech was given by Barbara Donet Olivera, director of the Center for Higher Studies here:

“We celebrate the graduation of the Municipal University Center with the formation of 159 new professionals in eight careers. The contribution of the Municipal University Center in the territory is growing, materialized in the contribution of these 159 results of remarkable impact for the socio-economic development of the territory. Several integrated university projects and more than seven scientific publications in specialized national and international journals. An index of more than 4.8 is achieved in the quality of the culmination of studies, eleven theses on agro-industrial processes. Thirteen theses in the career of Agronomy, with very important topics of agricultural interest were highlighted in the forum of students of Agricultural Sciences, and one of them obtained the status of Relevant, fourteen in the career of Accounting and Finance, among others. This shows how much the Municipal University Center can contribute to the integral development of the territory. Infinite gratitude to the families, institutions and professors. Let’s transform the territory for the better, using all the work strategies. Together we can achieve it. Congratulations to all our graduates”.

Mirtha Carrazana Tabares

About Mirtha Carrazana Tabares

Mirtha Carrazana periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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