A 67 years of the Armed Uprising in Santiago de Cuba, its epic continues to illuminate the youth of Contramaestre, sure and conscious that socialism in Cuba is irrevocable in the face of any challenge from the enemies of the Revolution.
Suffice it to to think and to know that on that day, November 30, 1956, a group of armed young men dressed in olive green, took to the streets of the ever-heroic city of Santiago de Cuba to distract the repressive forces of the tyranny before the expected disembarkation of the Granma Yact and to give further course to the armed armed insurrection against the Batista dictatorship.
With audacious actions of November 30, , that day, Santiago de Cuba dawned on a war footing, and the people between astonished and in solidarity, saw dozens of young people attacking key points of the city and evidencing the courage of the of the mambises of the last century.
Pepito Tey, Tony Alomá and Otto Parellada were the intrepid young men who, from different positions, carried out the orders of their top leader and clandestine fighter, from different positions, carried out orders and clandestine combatant Frank País García.
¨Santiago burned with fire and shrapnel. The entire population, enraged and allied with the revolutionaries of the revolutionaries, cooperated unanimously with us”, said Frank.
That November 30, the eastern city became once again the capital of heroism in Cuba at wearing for the first time the olive green uniform and the red and black armband of the 26th of July Movement, symbols of the struggles in the Sierra and the the highlands and the plains.
That day, Pepito Tey, Tony Alomá and Otto Parellada lost their lives in the attack on the Batista police station in Loma del Intendente.
By these days when the U.S. government does not cease in its intentions to asphyxiate intentions to asphyxiate the Revolution, with defamatory campaigns and economic and economic restrictions, November 30, 1956 is still an encouragement to the spirit, courage and firmness of the youth of Contramaestre and Cuba in the face of the maneuvers of the enemies of this free and sovereign homeland.