Fidel forever in the soul of his people

Fidel forever in the soul of his people

The presence of the Father is not extinguished because it is light in the midst of calm and storm. The grateful ones accompany you to eternity, impregnated with Revolution, justice, peace.

Although we bid you our last farewell 5 years ago with an incomparable silence, you continue to be the compass that guides the way. Men like you never die, because your virtuosity transcends forever and ever.

Your Cuba still misses your absence, because we learned from your dignity, from your principles. There are no knots in your throat, because courage prevails in the face of enemy evil. Your name, marked on every skin, leads us to new challenges, to sacrificed goals.

We look at you satisfied, knowing that the empire was never able to defeat you; we know you by heart Commander. Like a star that illuminates and guides your people, your children remember you; those children who have schools and education thanks to you, just like those farmers who have greened their fields to make their work noble.

Fidel, your fruits multiply in the Homeland, where light spreads to leave behind the shadow of the barracks; in the honey that sweetens daily knowledge; in the carnation that eternalizes sincere love, friendship and purity.

Fidel in our hearts

Fidel is the name forever sown in the soul of his people; he is the leader who rides in the unstoppable time that builds the revolutionary project; he is freedom personified for the good of men.

Fidel is the hope that clings to a tomorrow of successes, to a continuity of victories and insurrection. Fidel is the immortal who has a lot inside; the great man who is born, dies and is born again. From his ashes he rises like a phoenix, a giant more than a sun.

With his death begins the road, the long life, because to say Fidel is to say Homeland, humanity, Revolution.

Moraima Zulueta Gómez

About Moraima Zulueta Gómez

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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