Urban Agriculture Support Project benefits producers in Contramaestre

Urban Agriculture Support Project benefits producers in Contramaestre

Yudisbel Guevara Flores and Yunior García Castro are the leaders of a family committed to agro-ecology. Seeking to boost their coffee farming project, they are part of a group of producers from the municipality of Contramaestre, integrated into the International Collaboration Project in Support of the Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture Program.

Together with specialists from the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages “Indio Hatuey”, they are carrying out the second training meeting of this initiative, which is now conducting a survey, promoting the exchange of experiences and visits to reference farms.

With the participation of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, in collaboration with the Mundubat Foundation and Veterinarians without Borders, this project to boost urban agriculture, led by the Cuban Association of Agricultural and Forestry Technicians, operates in six Cuban municipalities, three in Havana and three in the province of Santiago de Cuba.

One of these municipalities is Contramaestre, the one with the greatest productive potential in the Santiago region.

Foreign cooperation to boost urban agriculture in Contramaestre

Yailín Madrigal Silvera

About Yailín Madrigal Silvera

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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