Getting back together after 40 years: Bungueros Guerreros de Cuba

Bungueros Guerreros de Cuba en Contramaestre

How many times have we dreamed of reuniting with old friends or schoolmates? The group on FACEBOOK Bungueros Guerreros de Cuba makes reality what for many was just a chimera, and already has 2100 members, although those who do not have digital communication also join the activities.

The great joy began in October 2022, with the first meeting of the group in Palma Soriano, followed in November with the second meeting in Contramaestre, then in April, San Luis hosted the third meeting, to close with the meeting in Havana last June.

Contramaestre hosted again the Bungueros Guerreros de Cuba this October 7, but this time to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Bungo scholarship project, which began with the first ESBEC with the name of José Wilfredo Matheus Orihuela, which opened its doors on September 11, 1973, followed by 10 more campuses where several generations would be formed over a little more than 20 years.

Contramaestre gathered over 260 members of the group this October 7, to fill El Trópico with emotions in a reunion after 40 years without seeing or hearing from each other.

Bungueros´ strength

These generations of Bungueros have constituted an important force with a determining contribution to the political, economic and social development of the province of Santiago de Cuba, and to a lesser extent of the country.

While doing some historical review on the founding staff in Bungo 1, it was necessary to recall a name: Roberto Escalante Biamonte, vice-director of agriculture activities, who played a very influential role on the students´ behavior and discipline. His strictness went over any director who he worked with.

The founding students, despite suffering his strictness at the moment, eventually are very much grateful for his teachings and guiding role, regardless the times he punished many of them for the indiscipline committed.

In other words, Bungueros Guerreros de Cuba are grateful for the lessons got from that generation of teachers that in a way or another shaped our lives for ever, and the most important results is our political, social and economic contribution to the Cuban Revolution, either from inside or from abroad.

*The countryside-boarding school project was created by Fidel Castro following José Martí´s principle work-and-study.

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