December 22nd is almost here and the date reminds us of the infinite recognition of the beautiful work of educating, of that noble profession of guiding the students, of filling their backpacks with knowledge for the present and the future.
To distinguish those souls who, chalk in hands, guide the youngest among formulas, equations, grammar, the enriching history and the peculiarities of contemporaneity, is irrefutable proof of admiration for those who, with the voice of parents, share in classrooms and corridors.
With December 22nd approaching, we are grateful to this Army of light that contributed to put us on the train of individual and collective dreams with a permanent desire to cultivate instruction, adjusted to the passion for work, history and the country.
To be a teacher is synonymous of generosity, it is to know the disciples and their personal evolution, to propose goals, to read, to study, to promote values, to advise in case of doubts, to exchange experiences with colleagues, because one is not a teacher for hours, but always.
To recognize the pedagogical work with permanent memory, is to perceive the grateful gleam in the eyes of their students, to see those same students of past times as professionals, who are filled with emotion and even pride for all that they have learned.
Hopefully, this December 22nd is reason enough to celebrate and continue dreaming as a group, even in the midst of so much adversity, because we cannot extinguish the joy and gratitude for those who are indispensable in our lives and education.
Let’s hope that the Educator’s Day in Cuba is a date of admiration for those men and women who go to school every day after the living knowledge, in person, with permanent desires of improvement to make a country very much ours, in a very Cuban style, where pedagogy is the breath, the soul and example.