The tattoo… fashion or an incentive?

Tatue... fashio or incentive?

Butterflies, roses, dolphins, names of people, religious images, tribal, Chinese letters, stars, and other drawings, flood some bodies of this century regardless of sex, social origin or level of education.

One, two, three or many more, dispute spaces on the skin with more or less colors… Perhaps, fashion, the emullo or certain sentimental or family reasons may be the causes that hide behind a tattoo, of which many remain proud or in love all their lives.

However, when regret knocks on our door, or certain circumstances prove demanding… What to do?

I know of young people who wear artistic body expressions who do not think about future situations that may arise, and the design marked on the body cannot be hidden because it is so visible.

Although it is known that the tattoo fashion is gaining followers in the country with the most varied drawings on shoulders, hands, necks and ankles, I would dare to assure that the person who gets a tattoo runs the risk of contracting an infection, because the skin is an organ of defense barrier of our organism.

We know that the tattoo is a wound in our skin. Therefore, it is essential to be convinced that we will always like to choose the place where we will wear it, the design, the color and above all to demand the hygienic norms.

It is true that tattoos do not have to be permanent as some people think, but those who have had them say that they hurt more than the tattoo itself and are not always effective. Like all fashions, it is possible that they will eventually become unattractive.

What to do when the time comes? Who guarantees nowadays that the sterilization of the materials is adequate and that the pigments are not aggressive? Is it art on the skin what Cuban tattoo artists do, or do they seek to profit from the drawings? These are questions that will have to be answered.

There are decisions that are taken throughout life and not always can be taken back as expected.

Moraima Zulueta Gómez

About Moraima Zulueta Gómez

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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