Fidel Castro’s Legacy 1

Fidel Castro's legacy 1

Fidel Castro taught us Cubans to pursue dreams that, however difficult they may seem, are achievable if we act with optimism. We learned from Fidel that the unity of our people is essential for the success of social plans and projects, to guarantee the continuity and defense of the independence and sovereignty of the homeland.

The Commander-in-Chief told us with certainty that work with dedication, perseverance and responsibility leads to prosperity and development, always with the inexorable support of science and advanced technology.

On this anniversary of the physical disappearance of the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, we remember and cherish his immense legacy to face present and future challenges.

In this regard, he said: “…man is capable of overcoming the hardest conditions if his will to overcome does not waver, if he makes a correct assessment of each situation and does not renounce his just and noble principles”.

One of today’s great challenges is to continue developing in a free and sovereign homeland, overcoming all obstacles, especially the genocidal and cruel blockade that the United States government has officially imposed on the island since 1962, and a fierce destabilization campaign, designed and financed from that country, openly inciting violence and social disorder.

We will not renounce our rights to development, progress and knowledge. We will not renounce the Internet which, as Fidel wisely said, seems to have been invented for us, the poor of the earth, since it puts an infinite amount of knowledge within reach at the click of a button; and above all, we will not renounce tranquility, security and peace for our children. With the most valuable teachings of Fidel and an inspiring youth that questions, pushes and defends our besieged square, we are convinced that it is possible to defeat this new imperialist offensive.

There will be no pandemics, no blockades, no imperialist pressures that will change Cuba’s status as a sovereign and independent nation.

Fidel is present and future, as is the Revolution to which his people give continuity.

Thank you, Fidel, for your enduring legacy.

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