Joven Club, 36 years reviving the digital culture

Joven Club, 36 years reviving the digital culture

In Contramaestre, the network of computer centers made up of five Young Computer and Electronics Clubs (JCCE), plus an annexed classroom, is celebrating its 36th anniversary, reviving the digital culture of the people, as foreseen by the Eternal Fidel Castro, inspirer that September 8, 1987 of this humanist program that guarantees Cuban families the use of technologies in a safe environment.

In Contramaestre, there are five and in an equal number of popular councils, including some far from the city, such as Laguna Blanca and Los Negros, the facilities that make up the Youth Computer and Electronics Clubs, currently essential pieces of the digital transformation that Cuba is undergoing, in view of the crucial purpose of computerizing the whole society.

Some 34 workers, including specialists and Masters in Computer Science, and instructors in the management of information technologies in Contramaestre from the Young Computer and Electronics Clubs are the key to revive the path of the digital world. They are guarantors in accompanying the population to achieve penetration in the knowledge of the technological language and mastery of its tools, as well as to contribute to make viable, to some extent, procedures highly demanded by natural and legal persons.

The dialogue with Maribel Castillo Aroche, municipal director of Joven Club revealed that the referred centers, besides sharing knowledge in digital culture and recreating with their proposals to the different age groups, arrive to their 36th anniversary of creation extending their work with a wide range of services: sale of Antivirus licenses, computer assistance, digital signature for the use of the entities and installation of applications to respond with more than enough to the process of bankarization that our country is undertaking.

Among the activities undertaken by the Young Computer and Electronics Club of this territory to celebrate this birthday, it is also worth mentioning the 102.9 percent overcompletion of its service provision plan, which represents an income of over one million pesos for this concept, and having managed to graduate more than one thousand participants in training courses, responding to current topics such as: use of electronic payment gateways, On Line commerce, Computer Viruses, Excel and Excel programs or tools and microcomputer operator.

In other aspects of their work and in connection with the digital environment, these facilities in this part of eastern Cuba, offer attention to vulnerable groups, the disabled, the elderly, students and the general public on how to interact optimally and safely with new technologies. They also became the standard bearers of the “Youth Club for Cuba” Campaign, exchanging with key sectors of production and services as well as with the new actors that energize the national economy.

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