Youth in Contramaestre, agents of change

April renews the commitment of new generations to the Cuban Revolution

Youth as agents of change is the slogan that in this 2023 leads the celebration of International Youth Day, a date that aims to continue empowering this population sector whose activity is aimed at achieving a better world for all.

In Cuba, throughout the year, young people develop activities in which they play the role of agents of change in agricultural tasks, in the fight against diseases, analysis of political issues, social development projects, among others, and it happens both in the most urban spaces and in the most remote places of the country.

As Youth Day arrives, the youth of Contramaestre celebrates the date with optimism in the face of the challenges of continuing to build a better future.

On the other hand, they carry out their activities in order to arrive with new achievements to the twelfth congress of the Young Communist League (UJC), at the grassroots level with a strengthening process in which each militant.Thus, they have gone out of the usual frameworks and have gone to share with children, adolescents and young people in the communities and from there they have listened to the opinions of the militants and non-militants but have also been with them in participation games, productive work, cultural activities, tours of historical sites, among others.

And although youth is not a matter of age but of attitude, this August 12 is an opportune moment for the entities responsible for serving this population sector to think better how to insert them with greater incentives in labor markets, in spaces of healthy recreation, to take advantage of their talent in the digital transformations that are lived today and ultimately their role as agents of change is always for the good.

Adyanis Castillo Licea

About Adyanis Castillo Licea

Adyanis Castillo Licea periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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