Cuban education a revolutionary challenge

Cuban education a revolutionary challenge

Cuban education has the challenge of the future preparation of the new generations where unconditional and loving dedication characterizes them. Their shoulders are like pillars where the men and women of tomorrow rest and are formed.

Cuban Education has the challenge of overcoming the difficulties and shortages derived from the economic blockade imposed on the island for more than 60 years, an imperialist instrument used by the United States in its idea of breaking the Revolution that in 1961 deployed a Literacy Campaign that eradicated the ignorance of our people forever.

Education of achievements

Today Cuban education translates into achievements, progress and a continuous creation of thousands of professionals in different fields, doctors, engineers, technicians and skilled workers.

The Revolution and its victories are everywhere, at every step a children’s circle opens its doors to the little ones, primary schools teach children to read and write, basic secondary schools prepare the way for future high school graduates in pre-university schools. All of them are the quarries of new graduates every year to Cuban universities, where, despite the shortages, young people acquire the necessary knowledge to work as professionals.

Cuban education needs its Revolution to continue its humane task of training professionals, to give practical sense to life in its mission of building a socialist future every day more similar to its time and its people.

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