The unwavering resistance of the Cuban people

The unweavering resistance of the Cuban people

The Cuban people have proven over the years their commitment to their revolution, and their irrevocable decision to defend it and maintain it at any cost necessary. The resistance, in the face of each onslaught of contingencies, is strengthened to honor the victories obtained and to continue opening paths of triumph in the avatar of these times.

Material shortages of all kinds respond today to three important factors that affect the full development of life worldwide, with a particularity in Cuba. The global economic crisis and the pandemic have relentlessly hit the entire planet, Cuba adds the genocidal blockade imposed on the island by the U.S. for more than 60 years.

As if that were not enough, the U.S. government finances antisocial activities in Cuba, such as that of July 11, with the aim of destabilizing the tranquility of the citizenry and creating chaos in order to give the image of social and political unsustainability in Cuba.

However, the people have given evidence throughout the island that they defend their history, the legacy of their heroes, and the great victory of January 1, 1959 and the legacy of Fidel, a legacy of resistance, optimism and confidence.

Evidence of a resistance

The most irrefutable evidence of resistance of the position of our people was the May 1st parade, when the squares all over the country were overflowing with jubilation, flags and posters as symbols of revolutionary reaffirmation, and a sign to the world of the unity of a nation that maintains its political and social project.

That march in homage to the International Workers’ Day crumbled any mistaken vision of our reality that the enemy might harbor.

The truth is that neither the natural virus nor the “virus” of hatred prevented the Cuban working masses from remaining active, and for that purpose dissimilar strategies and alternatives were sought. Thus, with the efforts of those who never rested, despite the undeniable economic limitations, indispensable services were kept running, the production of goods necessary to avoid the economic asphyxiation sponsored by the U.S. blockade and the basic needs of all the people were kept going.

Nothing and no one will divert us from the chosen path full of patriotism, which has kept us firm and victorious in the face of every challenge imposed by the enemies of the Revolution inside and outside our borders. There is not and there will not be a force capable of making us abandon the sovereign, free and independent path that the Cuban people are following with dignity.

We Cubans are made of an alloy of resistance, creativity and patriotism. That material, for the record, neither corrupts, nor degrades and much less breaks, like Damascus Steel.

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