The US government wants to destroy the Cuban Revolution

The US government wants to wipr out the Cuban Revolution

Since the very beginning of the Cuban Revolution the US government has used different methods and strategies to wipe out the progressist power leading the country after more than half a century of suffering, and exploitation by US companies.

One of the latest maneuvers is the unilateral inclusion of Cuba in the list of countries which sponsor terrorism in the world, aiming at paving the way to justify further actions against the island with the pretext of fighting the mentioned scourge, in an attempt to wipe the example of the Cuban Revolution.

There is a long story to tell about all the frustrated plans orcherstrated by the CIA and Miami based counterrevolutionary Cuban-American bands supported by the US government, such as the disastrous and discreditable Bay of Pigs invasion  in 1961, which ended in the first defeat of imperialism in Latin America.

Sabotage, introducing plagues and diseases, planning the killing of Fidel Castro, were parts of all the huge plan to overthrow the Cuban Revolution. The inhumane economic and financial blockade, which was officially set up in1962, increasingly tightened, reaching the cruelest expression in the last four years during Trump administration.

The US government protected and never judged Luis Posada Carriles after leading the planting of a bomb on a Cubana aircraft in Barbados in 1976, killing 73 innocent people aboard, including —— Cubans. In 1990 a Salvadoran man was trained by Luis Posada Carriles and sent to Cuba to plant bombs in hotels, one of them killed the Italian tourist, once again the White House ignored the act.

 In the face of this terrorism, the Cuban Five peacefully infiltrated criminal exile groups in Miami to prevent further terrorist acts against the island. After turning over the results of their investigation to the Cuban government and the FBI, instead of working with Cuba to fight the scourge, the US government arrested and convicted the five men to unfounded charges related to national security, when the Five never had access to confidential information of the sort, and that was not their mission either.

Every year for 26 consecutive years, the United Nations General Assembly has called on the United States to lift the blockade, which has cost Cuba in excess of $ 1 trillion.U.S. meddling in Cuban affairs did not start in 1959. Since 1898, when the United States intervened in Cuba’s war for independence, the U.S. government has tried to dominate Cuba. The United States gained control of Guantanamo Bay in 1903, when Cuba was occupied by the U.S. Army after its intervention in Cuba’s war of independence against Spain.

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