Preserving the gifts of Mother Nature

que es el medio ambiente definicion y resumen 1674 orig 735x400 1

Green is the main color of the world, and from which its beauty arises, because the happiness of men and peoples lies in knowing Mother Nature.

Our planet is dressed in colors, because nature inspires, heals, consoles, strengthens; because the earth is enough to sustain all the people it brings up.

Today painting, music, poetry evoke that world that awakens every morning passion and excitability on canvases that draw the wild pine, the old oak, the wild sea, the forest of great shadows.

Today the melody excites the soul embraced in bloom, the joyful heart for the calm or angry sea that revives spirituality; it exalts the charm of birds wrapped in plumage, trills, languages and legends.

So much beauty in the orb! Yet the earth weeps in secret for the silent mistreatment. Mother Nature manifests her sadness when she sees trees cut down, seas polluted, furrows turned into deserts, species dying, riches annihilated.

Not to be indifferent to the environment is the clamor of the universe, it is the warning to conscience, it is the voice that calls for change to care for and protect creation, the planet of all.

When the earth is preserved and the world’s breath is not taken away, the brightness of the moon will be reflected in the water of the river, the willow’s cry will cease, the birds will return to their nests and the song of the wind will be heard, so that hope will spring up once again in hearts.