Juan Fajardo Vega, great mambí of our history

Juan Fajardo Vega, great mambí of our history.

Juan Fajardo Vega is the fertile seed of Contramaestre, whose roots of independence are in the sacred pedestal of the Homeland, he is the great warrior of our history paradigm of different generations.

The last mambi has never definitively left, because his revolutionary lineage is in the dimension of immortality.

The glory of your destiny becomes loyalty to a man whose name transcends borders with infinite reverence to his legacy.

With your foot in the stirrup and machete in hand, from an early age, the manigua was the compass of insurrection as the most determined of warriors.

But with you they could not, Juan Fajardo Vega, because you decided with your incessant battle for a just cause, to change the white weapon for the rifle against the enemy intervention.

Today Contramaestre venerates the humility of an eternal mambí, the light of emancipation, the decorum and dignity of a patriot committed for all times.

Thirty-four ears after his death, Guayabal, your native land as all Cuba, remembers the veteran of the war for the Independence, symbol of fidelity and patriotism, turned into an icon of the nation, in archetype of combat of unlimited faith for a better tomorrow.

Moraima Zulueta Gómez

About Moraima Zulueta Gómez

Periodista de Radio Grito de Baire

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